Matchasome is one of the clients i spend a lot of time working with, in my time at BLOD Berlin.
Not only is Matchome a trendy café, in the heart of Berlin, but they also run a webshop and multiple SoMe platforms.
In the short timepand i had the honour of working with Matchasome, I createde a loads of different work for them, such as;
-Print and print solutions
-Photos and photo editing
-Video and video editing
-Upkeep and developments of CI
-SoMe content planing and creation
I was tasked to not only shoot the product pictures for the web-shop, but also art direct and take the pictures for the hero on the landing page and subsites.
I was also tasked to create the artwork and printfile for Matchasomes new happy travel bag.
I have also created countless of smaller print jobs and SoMe content for Matchasome